Night Angel Xodus
2 min readApr 2, 2024

A Jedidiah Alexander Poem

"Jedidiah Alexander"
©Night Angel Publishings 🌃

"My nimble fingers settle on my chocolate toned round breasts.
Smoothing over my own goose-pimpled flesh.
My Fingers pick and pluck my hardening nipples.
I catch a gaze of myself in the mirror and smile at my reflection.
My head falls back as I roam my hands over my shapely frame.

I grin as I lay on his bed.
Naked and Excited.
Sweet almond oil dribbling down my chest. Dribbling down my ab laced stomach.
As I have my fingers work the oil into my skin all over my breasts.

In every dip and voluptuous curve of my body.
Pretending that it’s you touching me.
My nipples now pucker under my pinching and twisting fingers.

My pussy squelches as I play with myself, rubbing my clit, sliding two fingers into my core.
The thrusts of my fingers buck my hips up into my hand wildly and deeply…wishing they were his fingers.
Wishing they were his tongue.

The Explosion is Strong.
The Release… Satisfactory.
But it’s Never Equivalent.
Compared to when he’s here.

And Then I ask myself...
'Is this how he sees me?'



Night Angel Xodus

"I am the Rising King of Dark Romance Erotica. Featuring Anointed Heroines & Seductive Villains in Sexy Suspense Filled Spiritual Warfare Inspired Writings."