“When Angels FALL”

~A Spiritual Warfare Inspired… Dark Erotica Drama Series.~

Night Angel Xodus
8 min readDec 3, 2022
Created, Written, and Photography by
©Night Angel Xodus

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“Imagine Finding Yourself Inescapably Restrained in Diabolically Tight Bondage. Your Body Completely Exposed and Deliciously Vulnerable. Only to then Seductively Receive all Manner of Sexually Arousing Stimulation until you are Helplessly Pleasured to Climax after Climax after Climax...by your own Worst Enemy."

"Jedidiah Alexander vs Nahash Shinab"
©Night Angel Xodus 🌃

Greetings. I am Jedidiah Alexander and my Life has been full of Seduction, Deception, and Bondage.

I am a Very Intelligent, Powerfully Strong, Divinely Sexy, at times slightly Naive, but Most Importantly, an Anointed Nazirite Woman of God.



Night Angel Xodus

"I am the Rising King of Dark Romance Erotica. Featuring Anointed Heroines & Seductive Villains in Sexy Suspense Filled Spiritual Warfare Inspired Writings."