“You look so Amazing Struggling like that.”

Night Angel Xodus
5 min readFeb 8, 2024

{When Angels FALL: Episode 05}

A Helpless "Jedidiah Alexander".
© Night Angel Publishings🌃

{The FALL of Jedidiah Alexander: Part 4}

“Uuuugghhhh...?” My head rolled slowly as the dizziness began to fade away. I was still exhausted but I made a move to rise up only to realize that I was now lying face down on the bed with two pillows underneath my stomach. They seemed to make my butt rise high into the air. I also discovered that my wrists were cuffed again by the same shackles I had broken free of earlier, except this time my wrists are cuffed together behind my back. Breaking them a second time would be much more difficult. My legs are opened spread eagle wide with each ankle cuffed to the corners at the foot of the bed. Damn him. He really enjoyed making me feel exposed and vulnerable.

JasielJasiel!!! Where are you? What are you doing? I already broke one set of these so-called erotically enchanted cuffs.” I faintly stated.
“I’m right here behind you my Chocolate Angel and enjoying the view I might add. Also, I’m willing to bet that you won’t break this set of cuffs like you did the last pair any time soon.” He replied. And by the tone of his voice, I can imagine that he is wearing a very wicked and evil little grin. I began testing the cuffs again, attempting to free myself. But suddenly, I unexpectedly felt some things moving…inside me!



Night Angel Xodus

"I am the Rising King of Dark Romance Erotica. Featuring Anointed Heroines & Seductive Villains in Sexy Suspense Filled Spiritual Warfare Inspired Writings."